Since 2014, the girls and I have participated in world hijab day on February 1. It's a movement started to raise awareness of, and show support to, women around the world who wear hijab.
world hijab day
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Since 2014, the girls and I have participated in world hijab day on February 1. It's a movement started to raise awareness of, and show support to, women around the world who wear hijab.
Long gone are the "easy" days when all we did was cuddle, do craft projects, read stories, sing, dance and play.
About eight years ago, a friend told me that she was going to breastfeed her daughter for at least a year -- I thought that she was crazy!
An update on our time in Costa Rica (plus the girls are doing really well using their Spanish)! Pura Vida!
Hello, Costa Rica! 2013 marked the only year since 2001, that I had't left the country at least once. i know, you're all pulling out your violins and lamenting with me.
As many of you now know, the girls and I decided to leave Asia on a whim and return home in time for Christmas. I never expected to return home early, but when you live life blowin' with the wind, you go where the wind tells you to.
I've always considered myself an honest person, and felt like I had to share where I was that day, believing that even my brokenness can be an inspiration to others. Being that vulnerable was not easy, but necessary indeed.
I am in the midst of one of the most difficult times in my life. And while the girls and I are having a blast in Asia, I am also grieving the loss of many things.
I would love to be in asia a bit longer, but I promised Jossue we would come home the second week in January. Since I've kept his princesses away from him for almost four months, I really wouldn't ask for anything more.
One of my prayers before coming to Asia was to meet wonderful people that I felt a deep connection with, and the Lord answered my prayer through them!